Saturday, 14 December 2013

Shades of Colours

Beauty is not in colour; 
It is in the perception; 
It is in how you see things.

It is believed that,
*Opposite of White always happens to be Black
*While White symbolizing completeness or purity, Black represents void, emptiness or mourning

Later they found
*It is not just white and black but more shades of grey in between those two
*Red, Green, Blue are basic colours and now we can make not just 256 but millions of different colour shades

Colour is not just a colour-an visual perception any more for human being. It is blended into our society, into our human life, customs and practices and into even more components. Lights and colour, though a natural phenomenon, we human being incorporated our views and rules along with it and found a different meaning out of it. We even found differences among ourselves and introduced racism and discriminations.

A recent campaign called 'Dark is beautiful' in India, made me to realize that colour based discrimination got its roots deep into our thoughts and society. We still believe a person's worth is measured by the fairness of the skin. Yes! Even I did used fairness creams. These discriminations we make among fair, wheatish and dark complexions are unfair. 

Our complexion is just as natural as clouds, trees, rainbow, rocks or any other. Trees are perfect examples, where the leaves and flowers are in its original colour during one summer but shows different colour during autumn or winter. Another example is chameleon, one type of lizards, which can change its colour by itself.

It is not just about India. We even see colour discrimination in western countries. We know how black people suffered to get themselves out of slavery and racism. To my dismay, in few countries still wheat complexioned inhabitants are odds among natives of white and black complexions. It is the time to civilize our mind to accept people as such of what they are really.

It is hitting the nail on the head from the volunteers of "Dark is Beautiful" with a perfect slogan,
"Stay unfair; Stay beautiful". 
Click to know more details.


  1. Well written :) I've always wondered why is external beauty the only trait that matters for most people? I mean it is alright to look average.Everybody cannot be beautiful externally..What matters is who you are at the end of the day.Dark/fair doesn't really matter if people individually don't stretch it too far.

    1. Well said! :) No matter whether a guy/girl, they need to understand this. Thanks to the organizers of "Dark is beautiful" campaign whom actually educated me this logic.

  2. As long as cinema and media portray beauty as being fair, fair will be beautiful! Since this thought is deeply rooted, it will take time to realize what reality is. Initiatives like "Dark is beautiful" campaigns are necessary and thanks for throwing light on it. And, well written :)

    1. I agree on your point that things can't change overnight. The advertising media should act accordingly at least from now on. :) Thank you :)

  3. Good work bro. Some of the ads today sicken me. Fair is beautiful? No. Whats on the outside doesnt really determine the true beauty of a person.
